Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Is Another Economic Crash Coming?

      Why are big time investors in the Stock Market and Real Estate dumping their holdings?  Over the past several months big investors have been quietly selling millions of shares of all the stocks they hold. For years they talked about the re-bound of the economy, but now man of them can't sell their stocks fast enough. Why? In addition ...many top Real Estate investors have been quickly selling all their real estate holdings, some even at a loss ... even though everyone says real estate is rebounding. What do these insiders know that the rest of us don't? The last time this happened was 2007 and we all know what happened then! Many insiders have been predicting the 'Second' crash for years and it will be much worse than the first. Just take a look at the headlines lately and you'll see a lot of hope but very little evidence 'things' are getting better! Even during the 1930s depression there was a big economic crash first, but then, after a short recovery a second larger crash occurred that plunged the country even lower into the pit of economic disaster. Is that what is happening now?  You need a way to take care of yourself if it really hits the fan. Our heroes in Washington and the Wall Street big shots are not worrying about you, they're set for life at our expense. A winning method that provides a steady stream of income could go a long way to give anyone the kind of economic security they're going to need in the coming years.

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