Monday, April 20, 2020

Time To Study History

   The situation in America, Britain and across the globe is now a slow-motion world crisis ready to explode. And for that reason, I submit to you that you no longer have time not to read history. When Winston Churchill faced his world crisis, he had to muster every ounce of knowledge, wisdom and courage he had accumulated over his lifetime to try to save his people, their nation and its virtues. Imagine if that lifetime had been spent absorbing frivolous content. He could have never become the one statesman alive whom God could use to save Western civilization. ...

    To him, history was more than a subject or a hobby. It was his identity. He did not simply observe the historical continuum; he made himself part of it. He did not live in the past; the past lived on in him. History became his personal memory. … Churchill dove into history. He wrote his four-volume, million-word masterpiece, Marlborough between 1933 and 1938, while his colleagues disarmed Britain. He was the lone, almost powerless voice, warning against it. This deep dive into history helped prepare him for Britain's darkest hour. ...

    Like Churchill, we are living in historic times. It is time to drop the distracting smart-phone apps, the gaming, the frivolity and dissipation. It's time to devote your precious hours to serious pursuits that could very well be life-saving pursuits. It is time to become part of something bigger than yourself. It is time to become part of history.  - S. Flurry